Nationwide Quaker Day of Healing

Nationwide Quaker Day of Healing


Sat. 5th. March 2022

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Perhaps as never before, what the world and all its people need is healing. Everywhere we look we see sadness, sickness, tragedy, starvation, homelessness, unnecessary killing and conflict. Add to that the damage caused by mankind upon the environment, and it would be impossible to deny that what the world needs now is indeed healing.

Healing is a word often used and misunderstood in so many ways. It appears far more in our conversation generally than it perhaps does within our spiritual consciousness, and as a result can take on a narrow and limited definition of what healing is really all about.  For example, politicians and social leaders often refer to the need to ‘heal the economy, but they might well be alarmed at being associated with a ministry of spiritual healing. However, where the secular concerns of healing and the spiritual concepts of healing converge, is in the vision that people and situations should be balanced and be made whole; in other words, we act in order to move towards wholeness and health (in all ways), and who would disagree with that?

We are all blessed with the gift of healing, and before you recoil with surprise, let’s make it clear that what we are talking about is putting Love into Action, and creating a means of increasing the loving acts of kindness in our lives, which can impact on others, either directly or through ‘distant healing’, by asking to be used as channels for God’s Healing.

With that in mind, Friends Fellowship of Healing is planning a National Day of Healing on the 7th March this year, with the heart-felt wish that Friends up and down the country will join together on that day for a continuous Meeting for Worship for Healing from 11.00am to 3.00pm in their own Meeting Houses or in a local Friend’s house.

Meetings where distant healing groups already exist will be familiar with the concept of distant healing and hopefully will join this enterprise with enthusiasm. But FFH would love for all Local Meetings to take part, and enhance the corporate spiritual energy that could be released to focus on the healing needs that are of concern to us all. We hope that Area Meetings will feel able to support this initiative and encourage their Local Meetings. Meetings unfamiliar with this process simply need to proceed with this as an extended Meeting for Worship but with a clear focus on healing for whatever concerns come to mind. Friends would be free to come for as long as they are able and to go as circumstances allow, and have comfort breaks and refreshments as and when needed during that time. Each meeting would need an anchor person, spiritually led, acting as a coordinator with designated ‘elders’ covering each hour of the worship, and helping to facilitate the worship. The Meetings for worship may need reminding that God is the Healer, and that we ask to be used as channels for Healing.

Just to reinforce the point, the bottom line is that we think of people and situations in need of healing and surround them with Light and Love, using that of God within us to reach out to that of God in others, so that healing may happen for the highest good, whatever that may be. We can of course do this on our own, but think of the tremendous release of spiritual energy that could occur if we all met up in groups up and down the country, and focused on healing in this Act of Worship on the same day and at the same time.

As Friends, we do not predict outcomes and should not be overly concerned with the idea of physical healing. We believe that whatever happens will be for the highest good if we connect with the healing power of God. It could be that for some folk, the healing given may be no more than giving others the strength to cope with what life throws at them, but that is not our call.

What a ‘memorable event’ this could be if we all tune in to the presence of God with clear intentions during this special Meeting for Worship, and have the courage to ‘let go and let God’, to bring healing to others through our endeavours. This happening will become memorable by creating a united spiritual act of connectedness with gathered Friends from all over the country in their groups, all focused on a common theme, an act of healing for all people and concerns. The power of the Spirit is surely strengthened by our corporate prayers in holding others ‘in the Light.’

Our deepest hope is that this National Healing day will give opportunities to inform groups and Meetings throughout the country what Friends mean by healing in its true wider context, and to encourage Friends not to be afraid of using this wonderful God-given gift of a Ministry for Healing. Meetings who would like further guidance to setting up a distant healing group should contact the Friends Fellowship of Healing. Those who may be prevented from participating on this day, can still ‘hold us all in the light.’ Distant healing requests can always be made at

‘May the joy of our coming together,

Be enriched by the healing of our concerns.’



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